This week

posted on: 8.02.2012

All I've been doing this week is go to work, workout, watch Olympics. I haven't been following my training plan as closely as I want to, but watching the Olympics is very motivating so hopefully next week will be better, haha. 

My plan as of now is 
Sunday: bike
Monday: Crossfit
Tuesday: swim/run
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: Crossfit
Friday: swim/run
Saturday: bike

Sunday should really be rest day so Wednesday can be bike, but the past two weeks I have just crashed for a nap on Wednesday and couldn't get up to bike. Also, Friday was originally a Crossfit day, but ever since I found out that Thursday is run day, I decided that's the day I'm going. :D One of the few things I can actually do at Crossfit.... moving on to today's workout.

Warmup: "and more" (various skipping, lunging, butt kicks, high kicks)

Buy In: 200m run, row, jumprope

WOD x 3
200m run
12 x power clean (40lbs)
time: 8:42 The weights just kill me..

Cash Out:
pull ups

Came home to a yummy dinner. 

I cannot seem to get full these days. After eating this, I had half a banana + sunflower butter, bowl of yogurt and strawberries, and just had a bowl of cereal as a night snack. Two dinners are the norm these days. 


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