
posted on: 5.14.2012

long time no post. it's been a busy couple of weeks, including graduation!
while i haven't been posting, one thing i have continued to do regularly is snap pictures of pretty packaging! product package design is one of my greatest loves, and i cannot walk by without getting a picture for my inspiration folder!


  1. What is that in the first pic? I can't tell if it's a tin box or paper plates hahah but whatever it is, it's lovely!

  2. it's a tin candle holder! and that part is the lid. :)

  3. I love the colors on these!! :)

  4. i love love gorgeous packaging too.. something about pretty packaging makes the inside product feel like such a treat

  5. I'm a sucker for great packaging! It's not unusual for me to buy something just based on it's pretty wrapper... lovely collection you've found! Congratulations of graduating to Mai :)
