
posted on: 4.30.2011

Well, it's only been 5 days since the last post but it feels so much longer! I guess a lot of things have gone on since. On Wednesday, we walked down to the local vineyard and learned a bit how olive oil and wine was made. Afterward, we sat down to the LONGEST lunch ever. There were about 2-3 appetizers, pasta, another course, and dessert. Accompanying the meal were 4 different wines. It's been a couple months, and I still haven't acquired the wine taste, haha. Anyway, the Wednesday field trip was a little break from working on my project. I was pretty much living in studio until our presentation, which started 11am Thursday morning and didn't end until 11pm that night. Afterward, we all went out and listened to a Led Zeppelin cover band. The next day, I slept in late and hung around town, wasting time, not working on my essays by watching a replay of The Royal Wedding and then The Holiday. Today, I made my billionth trip to Florence for one last shopping trip. Also, there's a carnival in town! So after dinner, a bunch of us went out to it, mainly for this one crazy ride. I'm pretty sure you would not see something like this in the States, because it seems kind of dangerous. Basically, you're sitting on this bench that wraps around a circular thing that spins and rocks without a seat belt. I'm actually pretty surprised that no one's flown out of the thing!

Pictures from the vineyard thanks to Karina!



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