I've tried making granola bars many times, but most of the time, they never stuck together. So I was really excited when I was actually able to cut through these, AND they were delicious! Granola bars from the store have unpronounceable ingredients and I always think they were too sweet. These bars are really simple, and require no baking.
1/8 c honey
1/2 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
1/8 c almond butter
3/4 c rolled oats
1/4 c puffed brown rice
1/8 c chocolate chips
1 tbsp flax seed
1/8 c raisins
1/8 c sunflower seeds
In a large bowl, add rolled oats, puffed brown rice, flax seed, raisins, and seeds (I used sunflower, but you can pretty much add anything).
Microwave together the almond butter, honey, vanilla, and salt for about a minute. I stopped it about halfway through and gave it a stir so that it wouldn't overflow.
Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix.
Add chocolate chips and try not to mix it too much, so that the chocolate chips stay whole.
Transfer the mixture to a sheet pan or flat container, and put it in the refrigerator to cool.
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